Monday, September 22, 2008

Yea- A picture...or two!

Here's a picture of me...after I've lost the first 35 pounds! :) Still more to go, but this was a huge milestone!

Here's my mom and Riley at Ocean City the night she saved his life. What a great one! This is one of my fav's.
Now that I have figured this out, with the help of Katie, I can only imagine the possibilities ! I love this!!!


Amy said...

Oh, and sorry to all my facebook friends who have already seen these pictures. You'll probably have to see lots of duplicates. Oh well.

joanna said...

you look so so nice! =)

heather said...

You look tiny! Different from when I saw you in the spring and you looked great then!

So glad you figured out the picture thing! I look forward to more pictures!

Jen Rouse said...

Amy, I am so impressed. I'm working on trying to lose weight too. How about posting some tips, since you've been so successful?

Anonymous said...

Yay, the pictures are up! I love the one of you, Scott & Riley. So cute!!!!!