Thursday, July 31, 2008


Tammy is another one of those friends I've had for many, many years. Unlike my relationship with Melissa, though, Tammy and I did fight a lot. She and I spent so much time together, we were very much like sisters. We used to make up contracts (and have her parents sign them) that we would not fight anymore! :)

Tammy was the one in high school who I felt went through so much together with. Her parents split up and I was with her through that. And when she was dating her now husband, Keith, I was dating his best friend, Dave. That was a cool thing because the four of us spent a lot of time together at youth group and then at places like the mall and the movies (when we finally turned 16 and were old enough to date!). Those relationships lasted over two years, so it was a large chunk of our high school years.

Then, when I broke things off with Dave, mine and Tammy's relationship changed drastically. It was sad, although I didn't realize it so much at the time (because I started spending more time with Melissa at that point). Dave started dating another one of our friends and she and Tammy became close while Tammy and I drifted farther apart. It was just a normal high school thing I guess.

After high school, Tammy and I did not keep in touch. I got involved in college and with my friends there and didn't think much about her I guess. But one day I got an invitation to her bridal shower. I was shocked and really excited to go. I hadn't seen her in a couple years. So I did go and we have been in touch ever since.

Once I got married and moved to Oregon, we emailed. But now that I am back in Maryland, it is fun to see how our relationship has blossomed again. It just so happens that we live just 3.3 miles away from her and so we try and get together as much as we can. We usually get together as couples. She and Scott are both accountants, who work about a mile away from each other. Tammy's husband, Keith, works in the same parking lot as Scott does. They have two boys who get along great with my kids.

I love those friendships that, even after a few years and a lot of life changes, picks up where it left off and you are the same people you were, even in the 5th grade when you first met. Tammy is definitely one of those people. I would still say that she is the one friend who is most like a sister to me. We have tons of memories, most of which consisted of trying out new and dumb things- the things that help you to grow up. She and I definitely learned to grow up together, and I will always have a special bond with her because of that.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

There must have been an angel

It worked out perfectly. My uncle's birthday party was Tuesday night, and since he lives about 1 1/2 hours away (closer to the beach), and we were heading to the ocean that night anyway, we stopped and enjoyed visiting with family for the celebration. My aunt told me that the pool would be open, but I planned on not having the kids swim, so I wouldn't have to take wet clothes with us. I just thought it would be easier. Plus, they were going to be playing in the ocean the next day anyway, so I figured it would be fine.

When we got there, we pointed out the pool, which is not fenced in, to all the kids (including Riley) and told them to stay away from it. And, all night they did great. Scott and my brother, Adam, were outside most of the evening anyway, so if they did try to get close, they would be there to see what was going on. There were no problems during the party at all, which was great.

We decided to leave a little before it got dark. I had to run out to the car with Jillian, and I asked my mom to kind of heard the kids in the house and help me get them ready to go. They all came in and all was fine. My mom had to use the bathroom, so she went in there. I was out front helping my dad move some of his luggage into our van. When my mom came out of the bathroom, she heard some people talking, saying, "something's going on at the pool." Then she heard some screaming, looked out, and saw Riley (who will be 2 in Sept.) in the middle of the pool on his back flailing around. She immediately darted out the back door, ran down the steps of the deck (which was a miracle in and of itself because of her bad knees), and jumped in the pool to save him...literally. The kids were all on the side of the pool screaming, and he had somehow managed to get himself in the middle of the pool. How he stayed above water for as long as he did amazes me. Honestly, there MUST have been an angel holding his little body up and his head out of the water. He was crying, but as soon as my mom got there, that's when he started to go under. She got to him just in time.

Meanwhile, I came casually walking around the side of the house with Jillian and saw her in the pool. My thought was, "Mom, this is not the time to swim- we are leaving. What is she doing in the pool???" Then, when I saw my aunt standing there crying, I knew what had happened. To my surprise, I was really calm, and wasn't even shaken up at all. I guess it's because by the time I got there, Riley was calmed down and everything was already fine.

But, the part that made me want to cry was after we were thanking and praising my mom for saving him, Max walked by me, and I felt that he was wet from the waist down. I asked him why he was so wet and he said, "I tried to go in after him and save him, but then I thought, what am I doing? I don't know how to swim!" Now that's something for a 7 year old.

Man we were fortunate that night! God saved Riley for a reason. My cousin said I need to sing the song "I am a promise" to him. That is his song now!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Aunt Lucy

The next friend I will write about is the one I've had the longest. Melissa and I have pictures of us on a 1st grade field trip together, as well as our high school graduation. We went to the same (Christian) school together from Kingergarten through 12th grade. We've always had a really good relationship. We did not fight much. We were more the type to laugh and giggle too much- and get in trouble in class for it (even in high school).

Because of our relationship, we would joke and call each other Lucy and Ethel (she was Lucy and I was Ethel). Well, two years ago, when we were in MD visiting, Melissa invited me out for breakfast. She was bringing her son, Kyle (who is now 3), and so I brought Paige with me. Then after we ate, we decided to go to the mall (which is something we very much have in common!). Before we left, she had to stop by her house for something. Well, all day, I had been calling her Liss, because that is what I call her. But, when she went inside, Paige asked, "What is Lucy doing?" I guess she thought I was saying Lucy, and I about died. The awesome thing is that it somehow stuck, and now all my kids actually call her Aunt Lucy! We think that is great!

Now, Melissa has two kids, Kyle and Brooke (who just turned a year the other day). Our favorite thing to do together, and probably this is ALL we do together because we love it, is to take the kids to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. I would say that out of all my friends, Liss and I are most alike. We just think the same way, and everything comes out funny, no matter what you're talking about. I often find her laughing when telling me some horrible story that is really actually sad- she says she can't help it. For some reason, I just make her laugh! :) It's mutual that way. We are still like kids when we're together and it makes our relationship so fun.

The thing I love and appreciate most about Melissa is how she teaches me to always have fun with my kids and how to really make light of things that don't need to be big issues (especially when frustrated with the kids). She is extremely nurturing and is always attentive to her childrens' needs. Then she will be creative and think of a fun way to make them happy or snap out of a mood, if necessary. I feel like when we are together, I am very much encouraged and just feel so uplifted. I never feel discouraged or insecure when I am with her. She is (like me) a words person and is quick to compliment. I just appreciate how I feel when I'm with her. It is really nice having a friend that is predictable- you know that you will have a great time, have "real" conversations with, and leave encouraged when you are together. I thank God for keeping us close- after ALL (27) these years!

Friday, July 18, 2008


Well, today I thought that maybe I should start writing about my friends. Most of the people who check out my blog are in Oregon, so I figure it could be of some interest to start by writing about my friends in Maryland- just to give a glimpse of my life out here.

Let me start with my friend, Sara. She is fresh on the brain since I spent the day with her today. But before I get to that, I thought I would give some background on "us."

Sara can probably tell you the exact day and hour that we met but my memory is not as hot. So this is what I remember. We basically grew up in church together (at a different church than either of us attend now). Our friendship mainly developed in high school- and mainly through youth group there. Even today we talked about and saw some pictures of us on a couple different beach retreats. We have some pretty awesome memories of those days, and still keep in touch with other friends from the youth group there (Mandy, Becky, and Jen).

The one story that you may have heard about me was my most embarrassing moment. This was the night that the youth groups (both Jr and Sr high) were planning to go ice skating. Well, Sara and I were the only high schoolers there that night. The bus broke down and we ended up coming back to church and having somewhat of a game night with pizza. Sara and I stayed in the kitchen with the leaders, rather than hanging out with the jr highers. We were talking when all of a sudden, the porcelein (how DO you spell that?) sink that I was leaning on came COMPLETELY off the wall and water was everywhere- with me on the floor. I think I could have died. I ran to the bathroom with Sara, just to notice a huge gash in my jeans/bottom. Sara saved me by running and getting me some scotch tape and papertowels to bandage myself up with. Also, I was spending the night at her house that night, so I didn't have to show my parents- which saved me the embarrassment of having to go to the ER for stitches. Anyway, it's a fun memory for both of us, I'm sure.

Anyway, Sara came over today with her two, sweet girls! The kids all played quietly all day (well, they were glued to the TV, but who cares!) and Sara and I got to catch up. It was really refreshing, and just a lot of fun to hear about her crazy family- ha ha! (Hope they're not reading this!) And even though we are in Tues. morning Bible study together, we don't often get chances like this to just sit and talk for HOURS!

The thing I really appreciate about Sara is just how much she's grown. Our conversations are very uplifting and I walked away (I didn't walk too far, just into the next room, but still...) feeling encouraged in my parenting and had some new thoughts from the day about things I could do or even think about differently when dealing with my kids. I am so proud of her and just thrilled to see how evident God's work is in her life! In all areas, she was positive and I don't think in all our conversation she said anything to belittle anyone or cause me to think less of another person. I really appreciate that. I don't know about you, but I find that hard to do sometimes. It's easy to talk about the negatives because it often brings more excitement to a conversation. Yet, when you are done and the friend is gone for the day, you feel kind of crummy for putting others down.

And since I know Sara will be reading this, I will send a message straight to her. Sara, thanks so much for pursuing our friendship over the years. It's a special one. I really do see the growth in your life. I think you are a spectacular wife and a wonderful mom to your girls. All three of them are blessed to have you in their lives! You have become a very mature woman, and it makes it all the more fun to hang out with you. Let's do it again soon! Love you!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Music anyone will love

OK, so I have found the most wonderful music. I would say CD except that I don't personally own the CD. I went to the music store last week and had both the CD and the DVD in my hand, and since the DVD was only $2 more, I chose that one- which has probably double the amount of songs the CD has.

Anyway, Celtic Thunder is the name of the group and they are SO SO SO wonderful! I am still amazed at the voice of one of the guys, who is only 14 years old. There are 5 guys total, and all with different styles of voices. Yet, I love hearing them sing together.

My brother heard this group while waiting for an oil change and had to buy the CD. Then my mom heard it while borrowing his van. Then she bought the CD. I watched the DVD at my mom's and I had to buy it. I'm telling you, it's addicting! Every song has a beautiful melody, which is rare anymore (in my opinion). They are such pretty songs, and yet the kind that give you chills.

So this is my recommendation for the day. Find the Celtic Thunder DVD and get a copy for yourself. They are new. The DVD came out this year. They do have the CD with some of the songs, and their second CD with the rest of them is coming out in Sept. I plan to buy them both eventually.

If you look them up and hear any of their stuff, let me know what you think. (My kids are even addicted! It's so fun!)