Monday, April 21, 2008

My favorite show

Heather is flying in tomorrow for a visit. I can't wait. I always love having people over, it's just the cleaning part that I don't want to do. I want my house perfect, but don't want to have to make it that way. Today I woke up just dreading ALL I have to do. I have to still find places for some things, and that is the hardest, or should I say, most unmotivating part of it all. Anyway, I dragged myself downstairs to get started. I decided to grab some breakfast, just to give me some energy, and then I sat down to watch TV during breakfast. It must really be bad- I NEVER do that! Anyway, I looked through the recorded shows on our DVR that I haven't watched yet, and my favorite show was recorded. Jon and Kate Plus 8 is such a fun show for me! I can really relate in many ways, and I just love that kind of thing. Not only does she have a lot of kids who are close in age (twins/sextuplets), she and Jon kind of have similar personalities to Scott and me. Well, thank you Jon and Kate. Since watching your show this morning, I have mastered the guest room and am ready to move on. I think I can do this today!

(By the way, Jon and Kate are on TLC Monday nights- yea- it's tonight!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never actually seen this show, but have heard it's really great! Hope you had a fun visit with your friend, Megan. xoxo