Thursday, April 17, 2008

We made it

April 15 is always a big day in the Keen family. Scott begins tax season the end of January, and even though we adjust to the crazy schedule, once we get him back, it's amazing that we ever made it through without him. I am one who just likes to have my husband around. I don't like running the house without knowing he'll be home for dinner, for example.

This was Scott's first year with the new firm here in MD. By the end, he was working all the time. I mean that. If Max had a baseball game, he did slip away to see the game, but then back to work he went. A few nights last week, he didn't get home until 3am. (What does he think this is, poker night!??)

April 15 in OR was pretty exciting. His firm there had it all together. He would usually get done early and everyone would go home around 3pm. Then they would meet together at Rudy's Restaurant on the golf course there in Salem that evening for a tax party (and boy did I miss that halibut dinner this year!!!). Then, they would all get off the next day, as a holiday.

This year was not the same. Scott ended up not getting home until after 10:30pm. I think he grabbed some dinner at the Royal Farms convenient store for dinner. He did get to sleep in the next day, but didn't get the whole day off.

For me, tax day was fun. I started out by going to Bible study, which my mom teaches. I always look forward to it. It is at the church I grew up in, not the church we attend now. So it's fun to see the older ladies especially (along with Sara and Katie who are my age) who were friends with my grandparents. Now we are friends. It's just a good time.

Then my mom and I left there and grabbed Lauren and hurried back to drop her and the kids off at my house. She is so great and babysits for me at least once a week! My mom and I quickly left my house to get to Turf Valley Resort for our 30 minute massages we had scheduled. We were in a hurry, did I mention that. I usually don't feel too rushed during my day, but that day I did. We wanted to get there early enough to eat some lunch in their restaurant before the massage. Well, go figure that the one time I wasn't paying attention to my speed, I got pulled over. I was doing 58 in a 40. I found it interesting that the officer was coming at me and quick turned around to get me. He put his lights on right as I came over that hill. I didn't know they checked the speed of cars coming at them. Now I know. Thankfully, because of my wonderful driving record (I have gotten just one ticket almost 10 years ago. It was my first time driving through Junction City after the Scandinavian Festival, and the speed limit changes to quickly there at those lights) I only got a warning.

We did get to Turf Valley in time to eat and the masssage was great, although the lady doing mine felt the need to keep talking to me. Thankfully, though, she was asking questions about God and my church and family- I think she was really intrigued with the fact that I am only 31 and have five children and I love God and all that. Anyway, I felt our conversations were beneficial, so I didn't mind.

Well, that was tax day for us. I'm glad we made it through. Tomorrow, the family is celebrating having their daddy/husband back and we are going up to Harrisburg, PA to a hotel and then Sat. are going to Hersheypark for the day. It's one of my favorite places on earth. I'll eat plenty of chocolate for all of you! :)

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