Friday, October 31, 2008


I don't know about you, but I LOVE Halloween. I look forward to celebrating with my kids. Some people really think about the background and where Halloween got started and just can't get past it. I vaguely know a little, but I don't think about it much. I feel like since I have a pure heart in it all and don't celebrate this holiday in a way that is offensive to the Lord, we can enjoy it as a family without feeling guilty.

We are having a party here tonight. Between our family, my sister's family, my parents and Lauren, and one other family, we will have 25 people here! So fun!!! Yesterday I got the house all cleaned up and got everything ready for the party. I moved the table into the kitchen. Now we have room in the dining room to play "Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin" and just a lot of room for everyone to sit.

So this morning, when the kids got up, they came down as I was making cupcakes and were so excited, like it's Christmas- "HAPPY HALLOWEEN MOMMY" is what they said as they hugged me. It just makes me laugh. I am a kid at heart and enjoy this as much as they do. I'll take any reason to party or celebrate something!

The other exciting part of today is that as soon as we all get dressed, we are going to my mom's a pick her up and then meet my dad and my sister's family at the "pumpkin patch." OK, this is really nothing like a pumpkin patch- it's a parking lot that sells a few pumpkins. But, inside, there are Christmas trees all over the place decorated in different styles. It's so fun wallking down the aisles and seeing them all. Growing up, this IS what we called the pumpkin patch. As a matter of fact, a few weeks ago, we went to a REAL one and had the hay ride, picked pumpkins, stuffed a scarecrow, etc. But Lauren wasn't able to go. So the other day she said, "On Friday we're going to the Pumpkin Patch." I asked her which one and she said "The good one!" Ha ha. To us, it's the good one because it's the tradition. We love it (Valley View Farms, for those who live in MD who are wondering)!

After we're done, it will be time for the party. Oh, I love a day like today. The house is all clean, we can leave, do some fun things, and come back to a clean house, and LOTS of people! What more is there in life???


Jen Rouse said...

We didn't celebrate Halloween for our first few years as parents because we weren't sure we wanted to celebrate a holiday with not-so-great origins. But as we learned more about the origins of many of the traditions we celebrate at even supposedly Christian holidays--like Christmas and Easter--many of them are rooted in pagan celebrations that the early church combined with religious holidays. So if we were going to be hard-liners about it, we really ought to give up all holidays (and I know some Christians who do that--they only celebrate Biblical feasts!). But I wasn't about to give up Christmas, so we've just decided to celebrate in a positive manner the cultural holidays that we have.

Long-winded way to say: I love Halloween too, and I'm looking forward to trick or treating with the girls tonight!

Kelly said...

Thank you for saying you love Halloween ... I do too! Of course I don't like the evil side of it - but I have great memories of Halloween from growing up and I want my kids to join in the fun.

Halloween doesn't have to be scary or bad ... it's what you make of it and it sounds like you are going to have a great time, Amy!

heather said...

Have a great time! Sounds like a very fun day. My kids just pull costumes out of our dress up box and we head to my parents and help hand out candy...but on the way we will swing by a neighbor's house or two and the kids will trick or treat.

Right now they are carving pumpkins =) As B said, this is hard work mom!

I miss getting all dressed up and going to a party-my hope is that someday we will have a good place to do something like that at our home-like with a big ol' bon fire. I love getting dressed up, apple bobs, cider, hay bales-isn't Fall great?!

Alison said...

I will ditto Jen's comments. In fact, we haven't even bought a Christmas tree in the last couple years because I wasn't sure about the pagan roots of all of it. (nothing like having kids to make you really over-think about life. :)) And I grew up going to "Harvest Parties" instead of Trick or Treating. But after doing the Trick or Treat thing with our kids for the last couple years, I realized there is no difference between the two--it's all about what you choose to focus on! I hope you guys had a fun Halloween... It's nice to hear what's going with you guys!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a really great day! I like that you put such a positive spin on Halloween! I especially enjoyed your comment about your kids wishing you "Happy Halloween" like someone would wish you "Merry Christmas." That was really sweet! Maybe you could post some pictures? xoxo

Amy said...

I would love to post pictures- if I had taken any! :) In all the hustle and bustle, I didn't get many shots at all. I need to look at my camera and see what I actually got. I don't think I have any of all my kids dressed up. So sad! It WAS the best Halloween ever though, and at least I have the memories...and my kids do too!