Thursday, February 12, 2009

UGGGHHH, this bugs me!

I went to the grocery store, and had all the kids with me. Usually, I put them in the "Tree House" which is a child care/play area that they LOVE, but since I only had a few things to get, I just dragged them around with me. (It ended up being more than I had expected, which is not a surprise.)

Once we were done, I found a register with no line and started putting my items up. Before she could even ring one item through, she had to ask me, "Do you have your Martin's card?" That just put me in the foulest mood! Is it me, or is it ok to swipe your card once everything is already rung up? Why was she in such a hurry for it? Couldn't she see that I had five kids I was tending to, as well as loading up all the groceries. I felt obligated to make searching for my card my top priority. That was really irritating.

Then, the bagger kept making comments about my kids- like he's never seen anyone with SO MANY kids before. All of you who have even three kids probably know what I'm talking about. It's like we all have seven eyes or something. Then he was like, "Hurry- get them all out of here quickly- ha ha ha." Yeah, real funny guy. Next time, I know who NOT to go to when it's time to check out, even if there is no line. It wasn't worth it.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

OH, grocery store, not my favorite place. I always get a little tense. I never go without Hans. Yes, and people do ask like even three is a "large" family.