Sunday, October 26, 2008

To my Facebook friends

So all of you on Facebook, let me ask you this: Is it not hard enough to think of a daily status, let alone having to think of an entire post for the blog??? I have troubles. I think it's much easier to write a one liner than to write an entire post. Is my life REALLY that boring???

I have been so busy lately! It's like time is flying by faster than it ever has in my whole life. I guess that's good- it's been good stuff at least. I love my Bible studies, teaching the kids, keeping up on the house, cooking meals, all that stuff- I have very good days usually. I am just that kind of person. I just feel bad because I think there has to be more I could be doing. There are times in my day/week that I try to come up with something fun. I'm not bored, but I think I fear being bored, so I make sure every moment is filled up with something. This week I am going to focus more on serving others- and having my kids join in. I would like to take a meal to a neighbor (or two or three) in the next few weeks. I'd like to write letters to Scott's grandpa, and to my grandma. You know, stuff like that. If you have any other great ideas, let me know. It's hard to come up with things for myself, let alone myself and FIVE little kids!

Hope you all are doing well! I haven't talked with a lot of you in a while, and I do think about you, even though I don't always get that email out, or even that quick note on Facebook. Let me know what you've been up to. I'll look forward to hearing from you...and maybe seeing some of you soon!

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