Monday, September 22, 2008

Tips on how NOT to be a tub of I once was

OK, this is for you, Jen...

1. Don't eat everything that sounds good to you (all in one day) as I was in the habit of doing
2. Don't go for seconds, or thirds as I was in the habit of doing
3. Don't look at your fat self and think you look ok as I was in the habit of doing
4. Don't think that running up and down the stairs a couple times a day counts as exercise as I was in the habit of doing
5. Don't ever order more than a kid's meal when you are doing fast food as I was in the habit of doing

No, really, I joined Weight Watchers January 24th and did so good- consistently lost an avg. of 1.6 pounds a week from Jan-June. Then, the summer came along and I didn't even get to go to the meetings because my babysitter was in Chicago all summer, or I was away or whatever. Over the course of the summer I lost 10 pounds, but not as much as I would have had I been to the meetings and weighing in every week like I was doing before. Now, my mom, who was my partner, has quit Weight Watchers and I was bummed. But, my friend, Tammy, is going with me. I actually just got back from a meeting and lost .6 this week.

Exercise was actually not part of my weight loss. I JUST started walking 2 miles a day (or 6 out of 7 days a week) a couple weeks ago. I am hoping that will help me get over this plateau. I am not sure what my ending weight should be. Right now, I weigh about what I did when I got married. I think my goal is to weigh what I did when I was a freshman at college- it may be too low, but I'll figure that out later.

Basically, Weight Watchers encourages you to eat foods that are low calorie, low fat, and high fiber. You get a certain number of points a day, depending on several different things (sex, age, activity level of your current job, etc.) and each point calculates to be a different number of points. Once you have used your points for the day, you are done. You get an extra 35 points a week. Usually, I don't use those extra points, and figure I probably use them by accident when I don't calculate my foods correctly (or aren't as careful as I should be). It sounds like it could be a lot of work, but I love it and it works for me. Plus, after a while, you have the points memorized because you tend to eat the same things over and over. I am a huge fan of Fiber One ANYTHING. I love their yogurt, bars, and cereal (with fruit and honey on top).

So that's my "trick." If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them! :)


Anonymous said...

You have been so dedicated about being healthy! I'm really impressed with how you go to Bible Study (where there are often AMAZING foods!) and you have brought your own, healthy, fiber-full stash, along with plenty of water (& candy vitamins--ha ha). You have been so disciplined! You look amazing, & I'll bet you feel great, too!

Family Prayer said...

Thanks, Sara. (By the way, my friend, Heather, is just as addicted to vitamin C as I am...just for the record! :)

heather said...

You have worked so hard and it really shows! Good for you!

And, yes, i am a vitamin C lover.