Well, today I thought that maybe I should start writing about my friends. Most of the people who check out my blog are in Oregon, so I figure it could be of some interest to start by writing about my friends in Maryland- just to give a glimpse of my life out here.
Let me start with my friend, Sara. She is fresh on the brain since I spent the day with her today. But before I get to that, I thought I would give some background on "us."
Sara can probably tell you the exact day and hour that we met but my memory is not as hot. So this is what I remember. We basically grew up in church together (at a different church than either of us attend now). Our friendship mainly developed in high school- and mainly through youth group there. Even today we talked about and saw some pictures of us on a couple different beach retreats. We have some pretty awesome memories of those days, and still keep in touch with other friends from the youth group there (Mandy, Becky, and Jen).
The one story that you may have heard about me was my most embarrassing moment. This was the night that the youth groups (both Jr and Sr high) were planning to go ice skating. Well, Sara and I were the only high schoolers there that night. The bus broke down and we ended up coming back to church and having somewhat of a game night with pizza. Sara and I stayed in the kitchen with the leaders, rather than hanging out with the jr highers. We were talking when all of a sudden, the porcelein (how DO you spell that?) sink that I was leaning on came COMPLETELY off the wall and water was everywhere- with me on the floor. I think I could have died. I ran to the bathroom with Sara, just to notice a huge gash in my jeans/bottom. Sara saved me by running and getting me some scotch tape and papertowels to bandage myself up with. Also, I was spending the night at her house that night, so I didn't have to show my parents- which saved me the embarrassment of having to go to the ER for stitches. Anyway, it's a fun memory for both of us, I'm sure.
Anyway, Sara came over today with her two, sweet girls! The kids all played quietly all day (well, they were glued to the TV, but who cares!) and Sara and I got to catch up. It was really refreshing, and just a lot of fun to hear about her crazy family- ha ha! (Hope they're not reading this!) And even though we are in Tues. morning Bible study together, we don't often get chances like this to just sit and talk for HOURS!
The thing I really appreciate about Sara is just how much she's grown. Our conversations are very uplifting and I walked away (I didn't walk too far, just into the next room, but still...) feeling encouraged in my parenting and had some new thoughts from the day about things I could do or even think about differently when dealing with my kids. I am so proud of her and just thrilled to see how evident God's work is in her life! In all areas, she was positive and I don't think in all our conversation she said anything to belittle anyone or cause me to think less of another person. I really appreciate that. I don't know about you, but I find that hard to do sometimes. It's easy to talk about the negatives because it often brings more excitement to a conversation. Yet, when you are done and the friend is gone for the day, you feel kind of crummy for putting others down.
And since I know Sara will be reading this, I will send a message straight to her. Sara, thanks so much for pursuing our friendship over the years. It's a special one. I really do see the growth in your life. I think you are a spectacular wife and a wonderful mom to your girls. All three of them are blessed to have you in their lives! You have become a very mature woman, and it makes it all the more fun to hang out with you. Let's do it again soon! Love you!
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Awwww, you're so sweet!!!!!
We had SUCH a great time today! When we arrived home (after birthday errand running), the girls excitedly told Tony about their day at your house. They had so much fun! Both want to know when we will be seeing you again. Thank you very much for inviting us over. What a great visit it was! I wish we could do it more often!
Yes, my family is crazy. My sister might read this, but she knows the truth. None of us can outrun the DNA completely. :-)
I had forgotten about taping the paper towels to your butt, so thanks for that laugh.
And my hubby & kids know how fortunate they are to have me as the star in their life. They would be lost without me (if my sister does read this, she will undoubtedly leave a comment regarding this remark!)!!! :-)
Why in the world would I ever let you, my dear friend, just walk (or fly to Oregon) out of my life? You are too special not to keep! I love you so very much & thank the Lord for you often.
PS I'm so proud of you for blogging twice in one month!!! xoxo
PPS Hi to the Oregon friends! Amy talks about you & says wonderful things about you. I would love to meet you someday!
Amy, don't feel too bad about the whole butt/sink incident, did Sara ever tell you about the time she played Tarzan in our basement? Oh, yes! She grabbed onto an old piece of clothes line hanging from the basement celing and swung across the room. Unfortunately, either the rope broke (it was pretty old and worn) or she misjudged the distance, because she landed on some boards, I believe, and she scraped her butt up really bad, even through her pants! I still laugh at the thought! :)
(And yes, Sara, I did laugh at the "star" comment. I'm just surprised that you didn't say you are the star of everyone's lives! :p ).
Yeah, the "Tarzan" thing didn't work out very well. I was 11, what can I say!
For more embarassing stories about me, contact my dear, sweet sister who likes to tell all. :-)
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