I have been thinking a lot about modesty lately. Scott and I often have conversations on this topic, and I try to better understand a man's mind (although I am glad I don't completely get it!). I feel sorry for men who live in this world and have to really and ACTIVELY guard against the temptation to "look" or whatever they do. :) I know Scott feels very strongly about our girls dressing modestly, and wouldn't even let them wear a halter top at their ages (4, 5, and 6). He doesn't see the point in letting them wear things now that he would not let them wear later down the road. I appreciate his take on this and how proactive he is on this issue.
But, for the longest time, I was so irritated at other women who I thought did not dress appropriately...Christian women at that. I just wanted to tell people, "Don't you know that more than just YOUR husband has to look at you when you go out." I don't want my husband looking at other women's, well, BOOBS, yes, I will say it. :) It is a private area, and why go around showing them to anyone who wants to see them? It's such a tease for men.
Anyway, as I have been talking to other women, I am finding out that so many men (yes, Christian men) WANT their wives to dress like this. They figure a little cleavage is sexy and don't mind flaunting their wives around like that. That shocks me that men would do that- I think because of how modest Scott is. He is constantly pulling on the back of my shirt to remind me to keep it up in the front. He doesn't at all want anyone else looking at me like that.
So now I am torn. I don't think it's always the woman's fault. I think if Scott wanted me to show off a little skin I probably would have gotten used to that, trusting that every man was like him and that it was ok. I don't think women really know the minds of men...and if they do, shame on them for causing that extra temptation.
I feel very strongly about this issue. I think we need to really raise the standard here and remember that it's all about Christ's name, whatever we do. If we are followers of Christ, we need to be set apart. Our men can look at us privately, but we don't need to be so concerned about appealing to the rest of the world that we dress inappropriately. That is my thought for the day. Give me your feedback on this one.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tips on how NOT to be a tub of lard...as I once was
OK, this is for you, Jen...
1. Don't eat everything that sounds good to you (all in one day) as I was in the habit of doing
2. Don't go for seconds, or thirds as I was in the habit of doing
3. Don't look at your fat self and think you look ok as I was in the habit of doing
4. Don't think that running up and down the stairs a couple times a day counts as exercise as I was in the habit of doing
5. Don't ever order more than a kid's meal when you are doing fast food as I was in the habit of doing
No, really, I joined Weight Watchers January 24th and did so good- consistently lost an avg. of 1.6 pounds a week from Jan-June. Then, the summer came along and I didn't even get to go to the meetings because my babysitter was in Chicago all summer, or I was away or whatever. Over the course of the summer I lost 10 pounds, but not as much as I would have had I been to the meetings and weighing in every week like I was doing before. Now, my mom, who was my partner, has quit Weight Watchers and I was bummed. But, my friend, Tammy, is going with me. I actually just got back from a meeting and lost .6 this week.
Exercise was actually not part of my weight loss. I JUST started walking 2 miles a day (or 6 out of 7 days a week) a couple weeks ago. I am hoping that will help me get over this plateau. I am not sure what my ending weight should be. Right now, I weigh about what I did when I got married. I think my goal is to weigh what I did when I was a freshman at college- it may be too low, but I'll figure that out later.
Basically, Weight Watchers encourages you to eat foods that are low calorie, low fat, and high fiber. You get a certain number of points a day, depending on several different things (sex, age, activity level of your current job, etc.) and each point calculates to be a different number of points. Once you have used your points for the day, you are done. You get an extra 35 points a week. Usually, I don't use those extra points, and figure I probably use them by accident when I don't calculate my foods correctly (or aren't as careful as I should be). It sounds like it could be a lot of work, but I love it and it works for me. Plus, after a while, you have the points memorized because you tend to eat the same things over and over. I am a huge fan of Fiber One ANYTHING. I love their yogurt, bars, and cereal (with fruit and honey on top).
So that's my "trick." If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them! :)
1. Don't eat everything that sounds good to you (all in one day) as I was in the habit of doing
2. Don't go for seconds, or thirds as I was in the habit of doing
3. Don't look at your fat self and think you look ok as I was in the habit of doing
4. Don't think that running up and down the stairs a couple times a day counts as exercise as I was in the habit of doing
5. Don't ever order more than a kid's meal when you are doing fast food as I was in the habit of doing
No, really, I joined Weight Watchers January 24th and did so good- consistently lost an avg. of 1.6 pounds a week from Jan-June. Then, the summer came along and I didn't even get to go to the meetings because my babysitter was in Chicago all summer, or I was away or whatever. Over the course of the summer I lost 10 pounds, but not as much as I would have had I been to the meetings and weighing in every week like I was doing before. Now, my mom, who was my partner, has quit Weight Watchers and I was bummed. But, my friend, Tammy, is going with me. I actually just got back from a meeting and lost .6 this week.
Exercise was actually not part of my weight loss. I JUST started walking 2 miles a day (or 6 out of 7 days a week) a couple weeks ago. I am hoping that will help me get over this plateau. I am not sure what my ending weight should be. Right now, I weigh about what I did when I got married. I think my goal is to weigh what I did when I was a freshman at college- it may be too low, but I'll figure that out later.
Basically, Weight Watchers encourages you to eat foods that are low calorie, low fat, and high fiber. You get a certain number of points a day, depending on several different things (sex, age, activity level of your current job, etc.) and each point calculates to be a different number of points. Once you have used your points for the day, you are done. You get an extra 35 points a week. Usually, I don't use those extra points, and figure I probably use them by accident when I don't calculate my foods correctly (or aren't as careful as I should be). It sounds like it could be a lot of work, but I love it and it works for me. Plus, after a while, you have the points memorized because you tend to eat the same things over and over. I am a huge fan of Fiber One ANYTHING. I love their yogurt, bars, and cereal (with fruit and honey on top).
So that's my "trick." If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them! :)
Yea- A picture...or two!

Here's my mom and Riley at Ocean City the night she saved his life. What a great one! This is one of my fav's.
Now that I have figured this out, with the help of Katie, I can only imagine the possibilities ! I love this!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
OK, Friends, I am moving up in the world!!! Sara helped me figure out how to get pictures onto my Facebook page, and now I figured out how to put one on my blog profile. I am so happy, so proud, and so thankful not to be so angry at the computer anymore! So now I need more help. (We all knew that, I know!) How do I put pictures onto my posts??? Help!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Am I insane?
Wait- please don't answer that! First of all, be so proud- two posts in one day! That's a miracle!!!
I had a thought today on my walk. A lot of people look at me, pat me on the back and say, "You're brave!" as I walk though a store. I mean, honestly, what am I going to do? Leave the five kids at home while I go run errands? (Someday I will, but not while I can still get sent to jail for doing it! Give me about 5 years when they are old enough.) Anyway, I tend to either get irritated at those comments, or start to wonder- "Where Scott and I in our right minds for having all these children...and especially so close together?"
Well, on days like this past Monday, my answer is confirmed for me. Here's the story. The kids are part of a school, which allows me to have an "umbrella"- I report to them and then they report to the state for me, regarding my homeschooling. (The state requirements are much more strict than they are in Oregon.) It takes a lot of the pressure off, as well as provides much support that I feel I need right now. Eventually, they will be in classes once a week, have a "prom," and even a formal graduation. This school is so organized, and even at this age, they only go to classes twice a month for a couple hours, but there are lots of scheduled field trips (which also takes the pressure off me).
This past Monday was the kick-off picnic for the school. Not everyone goes to it, but I wanted to, just to see who all is involved and for my kids to have a chance to play with some kids their ages. It was a great turn-out. Again, it was organized, and planned really well. We were probably the 2nd family to show up. We were a little early. The kids took off and started right away on the playground. I just hung out with Lauren, and shortly after we got there, some of her friends showed up. I saw one girl on the swings looking very lonely. I would have bet money that she was new to the school and did not know anyone. She looked so pathetic sitting there. She was shy and didn't bother trying to make friends. I was trying to nudge Lauren to go over and introduce herself, and she did later.
But that is when it dawned on me. No, I am not insane. I was so thankful that in a new situation, my kids had nothing to fear. They were confident. I don't think any of them would have thought to be nervous that day. Why? Because they had each other. There is a great security that comes with having someone go with you. And 9.9 times out of 10 they are together in new situations- Awana, swimming lessons, VBS, church, whatever. I love that!
So, even on busy days, when I am doing all I can to just get 5 kids in a car, or calming down crying babies, or whatever, I can remind myself that it IS worth it! Not only do I have company all day long, they do too. And, as they get older, each day gets a bit easier. They can do more for themselves. My role will be changing. They will still need me, but at least soon I can sit and relax while meeting their needs...by just listening!
I had a thought today on my walk. A lot of people look at me, pat me on the back and say, "You're brave!" as I walk though a store. I mean, honestly, what am I going to do? Leave the five kids at home while I go run errands? (Someday I will, but not while I can still get sent to jail for doing it! Give me about 5 years when they are old enough.) Anyway, I tend to either get irritated at those comments, or start to wonder- "Where Scott and I in our right minds for having all these children...and especially so close together?"
Well, on days like this past Monday, my answer is confirmed for me. Here's the story. The kids are part of a school, which allows me to have an "umbrella"- I report to them and then they report to the state for me, regarding my homeschooling. (The state requirements are much more strict than they are in Oregon.) It takes a lot of the pressure off, as well as provides much support that I feel I need right now. Eventually, they will be in classes once a week, have a "prom," and even a formal graduation. This school is so organized, and even at this age, they only go to classes twice a month for a couple hours, but there are lots of scheduled field trips (which also takes the pressure off me).
This past Monday was the kick-off picnic for the school. Not everyone goes to it, but I wanted to, just to see who all is involved and for my kids to have a chance to play with some kids their ages. It was a great turn-out. Again, it was organized, and planned really well. We were probably the 2nd family to show up. We were a little early. The kids took off and started right away on the playground. I just hung out with Lauren, and shortly after we got there, some of her friends showed up. I saw one girl on the swings looking very lonely. I would have bet money that she was new to the school and did not know anyone. She looked so pathetic sitting there. She was shy and didn't bother trying to make friends. I was trying to nudge Lauren to go over and introduce herself, and she did later.
But that is when it dawned on me. No, I am not insane. I was so thankful that in a new situation, my kids had nothing to fear. They were confident. I don't think any of them would have thought to be nervous that day. Why? Because they had each other. There is a great security that comes with having someone go with you. And 9.9 times out of 10 they are together in new situations- Awana, swimming lessons, VBS, church, whatever. I love that!
So, even on busy days, when I am doing all I can to just get 5 kids in a car, or calming down crying babies, or whatever, I can remind myself that it IS worth it! Not only do I have company all day long, they do too. And, as they get older, each day gets a bit easier. They can do more for themselves. My role will be changing. They will still need me, but at least soon I can sit and relax while meeting their needs...by just listening!
Most everyone of my friends has met Lauren...and probably know just as much about her as I do! :) Lauren and I are so much alike. We both love people, talk a lot, enjoy the same hobbies, and think life should be fun. The one main difference with us, and I'm thankful for it, is that she likes to babysit and I never did. :) She is so great about watching my kids for me...even if it's for an entire day. And, the cute thing is that she will say, when I ask her how much I should pay her for a day's work, "I don't know. Is $5 right?" We don't take advantage of her that way, but she would be glad to just play with the kids all day. I'm so thankful for that!
For those of you who don't know, Lauren was a surprise baby. My mom thought she was done having kids after I was born. Then, 16 years later- SURPRISE- here comes Lauren. We all were so excited and she has been adored ever since.
Lauren is musical. She loves to sing, and has a wonderful voice. (I'm jealous of it!) She is a dancer. She has taken various types of dance lessons and is good at that too. She is creative. She makes cute little crafty things for friends and loves that. She is friendly. She is on the "welcoming committee" at church for the youth group. She is bold. She isn't afraid to share her faith, even with her peers. She is kind. She is not the type to hurt your feelings. I just love her. She is so well-rounded and has a lot going for her. She is 16 (a jr.) and I dread the day she graduates and moves on. I hope she doesn't forget about me! Who will I take with me to the mall...every day! Ha ha.
I love how agreeable she is too. I think she thinks I'm fun, so she'll go with me anywhere. We had such a great relationship just before I got married. Praise God it continued, even though I moved away (and she was still so young). Now that she is older, our relationship has not changed. I don't view her as the little sister. I don't know if that means she's mature, or if I still act like a 16 year old (probably that), but we just get along.
Lauren is probably one of the most well-rounded people I know. She is smart, good at what she does, fun, and a good friend. I love being with her. I think she could probably choose anything to do after high school and actually be great at it. I still wonder if I am talented at ANYTHING! I am thankful to be back with her all the time now, and I am trying to take one day at a time so that these next two years don't go by so quickly...and then she's married and, oh dear, who will I go to the mall with??? :)
For those of you who don't know, Lauren was a surprise baby. My mom thought she was done having kids after I was born. Then, 16 years later- SURPRISE- here comes Lauren. We all were so excited and she has been adored ever since.
Lauren is musical. She loves to sing, and has a wonderful voice. (I'm jealous of it!) She is a dancer. She has taken various types of dance lessons and is good at that too. She is creative. She makes cute little crafty things for friends and loves that. She is friendly. She is on the "welcoming committee" at church for the youth group. She is bold. She isn't afraid to share her faith, even with her peers. She is kind. She is not the type to hurt your feelings. I just love her. She is so well-rounded and has a lot going for her. She is 16 (a jr.) and I dread the day she graduates and moves on. I hope she doesn't forget about me! Who will I take with me to the mall...every day! Ha ha.
I love how agreeable she is too. I think she thinks I'm fun, so she'll go with me anywhere. We had such a great relationship just before I got married. Praise God it continued, even though I moved away (and she was still so young). Now that she is older, our relationship has not changed. I don't view her as the little sister. I don't know if that means she's mature, or if I still act like a 16 year old (probably that), but we just get along.
Lauren is probably one of the most well-rounded people I know. She is smart, good at what she does, fun, and a good friend. I love being with her. I think she could probably choose anything to do after high school and actually be great at it. I still wonder if I am talented at ANYTHING! I am thankful to be back with her all the time now, and I am trying to take one day at a time so that these next two years don't go by so quickly...and then she's married and, oh dear, who will I go to the mall with??? :)
Monday, September 8, 2008
First, let me give you some family background. I have two parents (ha!), a grandfather who is alive, a grandmother who is alive, two older brothers, an older sister, and a younger sister. Tricia is my older sister.
Growing up, Tricia would drive me crazy! She and I probably could not be more opposite in personality, although if you met us, you'd probably think we are just alike. Let me start with the differences. Like I said, growing up with her was such a pain for me! :) She was, in my mind, the perfect child. She always liked to be home, she had a great relationship with my parents, and she was so giving of her money. I, on the other hand, wanted to be at friends' houses. I loved to spend my money on myself. I was close to my parents, but never would have considered them my best friends growing up- that's why you have FRIENDS, right?
Tricia is 3 years older than I am. We did fight a lot. She always was in that next phase, and I was the immature little sister. Once we hit high school though, and I was a freshman and she was a senior, we started becoming actual friends. I will say that even though I felt like we fought a lot, we definitely were always very close- don't get me wrong.
To this day, Tricia is the home-body. She really gets stressed if she has to go anywhere. She laughs at how much I love to run, even with 5 kids. That has not changed in our personalities. She is very much a family-oriented person. Her giving hasn't changed either. She and her husband, Dave, have 5 children of their own and then adopted a little girl, which gave them 3 boys and 3 girls. They still have a heart for adoption and are burning with desire to adopt again.
She is one of the most unselfish people I know. I love that about her. If anything, I think she needs to ask for help or at least take people up on their offers to help her. It's not pride on her part. She just hates to put people out.
But when you meet us, you can definitely tell we are sisters. We are always laughing! She is one (and even more when Dave is around) who I can laugh so so so hard with over the dumbest things! You know when you are tired and just get laughing and acting silly? I'm like that any time of the day with Tricia. Everything is funny!
I love her family. There are some people who have one child, and even that is a handful for them. Every one of Tricia's kids is a joy. I mean that. I love when they are all over here to play. My kids love them too. Even with 11 kids in one house, and just two adults, it's not chaotic. It's amazing! Tricia and Dave have raised their children to love God, and to respect authority.
The main thing that I love about Tricia, and I am finding this with many of my friends, is her perspective. It is much different than mine. Dave and I are alike in personality. Tricia is a lot like Scott. Dave and I both love words of affirmation and Tricia and Scott struggle with giving words. It's funny. Tricia and Scott are service people, and Dave and I have a hard time accepting that as their way of showing us love. In the times that I struggle with Scott, Tricia is a great sounding board for me. She helps me to see the other side. She explains it in ways that Scott doesn't (because she's a woman) and it helps me to calm down and just understand.
So although growing up I thought that God gave me another mother by giving me Tricia (who liked to tell me what to do), I have grown to realize that I could not be more blessed with someone other than Tricia. I think she has kept me grounded- I'm like a balloon going up in the air, and she kind of holds the string and pulls me down to reality when I get out there too far! :) Yeah, she would not let me just float away. She cares too much...and will always be that motherly sister who will tell me just how it needs to be done!
Growing up, Tricia would drive me crazy! She and I probably could not be more opposite in personality, although if you met us, you'd probably think we are just alike. Let me start with the differences. Like I said, growing up with her was such a pain for me! :) She was, in my mind, the perfect child. She always liked to be home, she had a great relationship with my parents, and she was so giving of her money. I, on the other hand, wanted to be at friends' houses. I loved to spend my money on myself. I was close to my parents, but never would have considered them my best friends growing up- that's why you have FRIENDS, right?
Tricia is 3 years older than I am. We did fight a lot. She always was in that next phase, and I was the immature little sister. Once we hit high school though, and I was a freshman and she was a senior, we started becoming actual friends. I will say that even though I felt like we fought a lot, we definitely were always very close- don't get me wrong.
To this day, Tricia is the home-body. She really gets stressed if she has to go anywhere. She laughs at how much I love to run, even with 5 kids. That has not changed in our personalities. She is very much a family-oriented person. Her giving hasn't changed either. She and her husband, Dave, have 5 children of their own and then adopted a little girl, which gave them 3 boys and 3 girls. They still have a heart for adoption and are burning with desire to adopt again.
She is one of the most unselfish people I know. I love that about her. If anything, I think she needs to ask for help or at least take people up on their offers to help her. It's not pride on her part. She just hates to put people out.
But when you meet us, you can definitely tell we are sisters. We are always laughing! She is one (and even more when Dave is around) who I can laugh so so so hard with over the dumbest things! You know when you are tired and just get laughing and acting silly? I'm like that any time of the day with Tricia. Everything is funny!
I love her family. There are some people who have one child, and even that is a handful for them. Every one of Tricia's kids is a joy. I mean that. I love when they are all over here to play. My kids love them too. Even with 11 kids in one house, and just two adults, it's not chaotic. It's amazing! Tricia and Dave have raised their children to love God, and to respect authority.
The main thing that I love about Tricia, and I am finding this with many of my friends, is her perspective. It is much different than mine. Dave and I are alike in personality. Tricia is a lot like Scott. Dave and I both love words of affirmation and Tricia and Scott struggle with giving words. It's funny. Tricia and Scott are service people, and Dave and I have a hard time accepting that as their way of showing us love. In the times that I struggle with Scott, Tricia is a great sounding board for me. She helps me to see the other side. She explains it in ways that Scott doesn't (because she's a woman) and it helps me to calm down and just understand.
So although growing up I thought that God gave me another mother by giving me Tricia (who liked to tell me what to do), I have grown to realize that I could not be more blessed with someone other than Tricia. I think she has kept me grounded- I'm like a balloon going up in the air, and she kind of holds the string and pulls me down to reality when I get out there too far! :) Yeah, she would not let me just float away. She cares too much...and will always be that motherly sister who will tell me just how it needs to be done!
My Family
My friend, Sara, suggested that I also write about my family. Sounds good to me. The thing with blogging, for me, is that I just can't think of anything too exciting in my life to write about. So then I just end up not writing at all. Writing about people and my thoughts on them is easy, so I will continue on.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
OK, I think I might end here with my friends. Is everyone getting bored with this? Well, anyway, I will write one more and hopefully think of some other topics to write about that actually speak of my life and what's going on here.
I really should have written post about Becca the same time I wrote about Daphne. Although I met Daphne at a different time, she and Becca kind of go hand in hand in my book. Like I said earlier, I was a bit bummed when Daph and I couldn't be roommates at college our freshman year. But, God had it planned differently and I am glad He did! Daphne was paired up with a girl named Rebecca...Becca. The three of us were friends right from the start. Becca and I cheered together, and she actually stayed at LBC through my Jr. Year (which we were roommates for during that year), until she graduated. She was in the secretarial program, so she could graduate earlier than I could.
A few weeks ago, Daph, Becca, and I met in Lancaster (PA) to go shopping for the day. It was great. Usually, when there are just three, one gets left out. But that's never the case with us. We actually feel like someone is missing when one is not there. Anyway, during dinner, Becca (the secretary of our group) brought out these old scrapbooks/picture albums she had made during college. Daphne asked me, "wasn't Becca just a little bit cooler than the rest of us?" Yes, she was. She just has a way about her that is cool, funny, and attractive. She is beautiful and was very popular with the guys at college (and married one of them!). Her sense of humor is something to be desired...literally. She is so funny!.
The thing that amazes me the most about Becca is how much she has changed since college. Back then, she was so fun. Now, she's still so fun, but is also so Godly. She and her husband have grown together, which is so neat to see. They have two kids in public school, and feel strongly that it is where they need to be. She is the parent who's making cupcakes for her girl's class (she did that today for her birthday as a matter of fact), and who is at every PTA meeting. Her husband is a youth pastor and they are very involved in their ministry. They believe in training their kids to tell others about God, and school is a great place to start that. I love to see their convictions being played out.
The neat thing about the three of us is that we really feel differently about things, yet always talk about them. No one is threatened by anyone else's opinion. It's a very giving friendship where it's safe to be honest, even if your way is different than the other two's way is...if that makes sense.
Unfortunately, because she lives in PA, we don't actually see each other very often. Once a year is good for us. But, we are excited because at the end of this month, the three of us are all going to the Gaither Homecoming (Bill Gaither, in case you didn't know). Daph and I are hanging out for the weekend- hotel and all- and Becca is going with her husband. Sounds cheesy to some, but Becca got us all into this. Yes, she was the one in college who made the Statler Brothers sound cool!
I really should have written post about Becca the same time I wrote about Daphne. Although I met Daphne at a different time, she and Becca kind of go hand in hand in my book. Like I said earlier, I was a bit bummed when Daph and I couldn't be roommates at college our freshman year. But, God had it planned differently and I am glad He did! Daphne was paired up with a girl named Rebecca...Becca. The three of us were friends right from the start. Becca and I cheered together, and she actually stayed at LBC through my Jr. Year (which we were roommates for during that year), until she graduated. She was in the secretarial program, so she could graduate earlier than I could.
A few weeks ago, Daph, Becca, and I met in Lancaster (PA) to go shopping for the day. It was great. Usually, when there are just three, one gets left out. But that's never the case with us. We actually feel like someone is missing when one is not there. Anyway, during dinner, Becca (the secretary of our group) brought out these old scrapbooks/picture albums she had made during college. Daphne asked me, "wasn't Becca just a little bit cooler than the rest of us?" Yes, she was. She just has a way about her that is cool, funny, and attractive. She is beautiful and was very popular with the guys at college (and married one of them!). Her sense of humor is something to be desired...literally. She is so funny!.
The thing that amazes me the most about Becca is how much she has changed since college. Back then, she was so fun. Now, she's still so fun, but is also so Godly. She and her husband have grown together, which is so neat to see. They have two kids in public school, and feel strongly that it is where they need to be. She is the parent who's making cupcakes for her girl's class (she did that today for her birthday as a matter of fact), and who is at every PTA meeting. Her husband is a youth pastor and they are very involved in their ministry. They believe in training their kids to tell others about God, and school is a great place to start that. I love to see their convictions being played out.
The neat thing about the three of us is that we really feel differently about things, yet always talk about them. No one is threatened by anyone else's opinion. It's a very giving friendship where it's safe to be honest, even if your way is different than the other two's way is...if that makes sense.
Unfortunately, because she lives in PA, we don't actually see each other very often. Once a year is good for us. But, we are excited because at the end of this month, the three of us are all going to the Gaither Homecoming (Bill Gaither, in case you didn't know). Daph and I are hanging out for the weekend- hotel and all- and Becca is going with her husband. Sounds cheesy to some, but Becca got us all into this. Yes, she was the one in college who made the Statler Brothers sound cool!
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